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Black&White Ball – A luxury event to celebrate New Year’s Eve

Black&White Ball – A luxury event to celebrate New Year’s Eve

To celebrate New Year’s Eve, the Pullman Hotels in Barcelona will take you to a journey through space and time, more precisely at New York City Plaza Hotel on 1966.

A luxury event for celebrate new year

On this year, the writer Truman Capote, who just published his book In Cold Blood and was at the zenith of his fame, organized a ball in honor of Katharine Graham, the publisher of The Washington Post.

The most select people of New York City and the United States attended it, which already made it an exceptional event, but moreover, the dress code was very unusual. Indeed, the guests had to wear masks and their clothes had to be either black or white. The exclusive guests and the atmosphere made this ball the greatest social event of 1966, maybe even of the century.

Black&White Ball by Pullman

For the second consecutive year, Pullman hotels will pay a tribute to this ball, trying to recreate its very special and exclusive atmosphere in Truman Capote’s style.

This black and white theme suits perfectly Pullman Hotels’ image. Indeed, just like Yin and Yang, these hotels are dualistic: chic and comfortable at the same time, they host both business travelers and leisure travelers, and they are ideal to relax and also to gather many people.

Black and White Pullman

The Menu

The theme will not only be visible on the guests’ clothe, but also in the decoration and even the menu.

You will be able to enjoy puff pastries with black olives and praline pistachios, black truffles, lobster with pil-pil and caviar, a Black&White Pullman cocktail, duck’s liver cannelloni, chocolate sponge cakes with almond milk and coconut, sole paupiettes, creamy black olives, tender onions, lamb with potatoes and celery aligot, Iberian ham, white chocolate panacotta, chocolate and coffee.

Of course, the 12 grapes of luck will be eaten at midnight, according to the Spanish tradition.

Black and white pullman

The price to attend the dinner is 150 euros for adults and 75 for children under 12 years old. Pullman hotels also offer the possibility to attend only the ball, which includes cava (also known as “Spanish champagne”) too, for 45 euros. The party will last until three o’clock in the morning.

Feel the atmosphere of the greatest event of its century, and enjoy an elegant New Year’s Eve party in a pure retro style.


Salvador Font

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