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4 technologies that are changing the real estate sector

4 technologies that are changing the real estate sector

Technology is changing all industries by leaps and bounds and the real estate is not an exception. Improvements and innovations that completely transform society, posing a very different scenario from the one we knew in the last decade.
As new technologies such as virtual reality or blockchain progress, the sector finds in them a powerful ally with which to back.
That is why from Font Real Estate we want to talk about 4 technologies that are revolutionizing the real estate sector in 2018.

New technology in the real estate

1. Artificial intelligence (AI)










Artificial intelligence is helping in many sectors, including real estate. This technology helps generate customers, provides updated information in real time and can become a full-time assistant / assistant for a low cost.
Chatbots, for example, driven by AI, represent a solution. Agents can use virtual customer service agents and chatbots to help with field problems and automate conversations with customers. The AI allows opportunities for economies of scale, which means that agents can provide personalized, practical and high quality at a very low cost.

2.’Big Data’













Big Data has large amounts of value for real estate agents who can use it to obtain information about customers, understand market trends and improve efficiency.
The possibility of having a database with the preferences and data of the users or about which locations are the most sought after in the homes or offices, helps to maximize the value of the final product, revolutionizing the real estate sector.
The Big Data is nothing more than quintillions of data, all of them available with great immediacy in the cloud and that can be analyzed in depth to provide more objective evaluations.

3. Virtual reality















Virtual reality is a technology to consider. One of the strong points still today, is to differentiate from the competition being this one of the great advances of the real estate. Reduce many procedures and save time for future buyers, especially if we talk about luxury real estate like ours and that many of the potential customers are spread around the world. Being able to “visit” homes without having to travel to them is one of the strengths of this technology and without a doubt, an important competitive advantage.
And thanks to virtual reality, the confidence of customers increases. It allows the client to save time on trips, assess all the possibilities offered by the space and, in the case of the new construction, see how the construction evolves.
Now, from the same office, you can see the house’s inside or virtually walk through it through 360 degree videos and 3D tours.

4. Drones












Drones are one of the most important new technologies to enter the real estate market. The drones allow agents to integrate video and photo cameras in them and get very accessible online visits in addition to inaccessible aerial plans for budget and infrastructure, panoramas of the landscapes adjoining the property and 360 views of the buildings.
These allow a more sophisticated level when accessing the images and information of the house.
For the owner of the home, it is an innovative and different way to other owners, in order to sell their property in a simpler and faster way. A service that the client values in a positive way.
For the buyer it is a new and unique experience.
There are other technologies that have been added to the real estate, but we believe that these four are the most transcendental and that they will provide a much more marked added value in terms of the purchase and sale of properties.


Salvador Font

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